Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sambutan Kemerdekaan Tabika KEMAS Kg Panchor

31 Ogos 2010, Seremban : Sambutan Kemerdekaan di Tabika KEMAS Kg Panchor telah berlangsung dengan meriah sekali meskipun berlangsung pada 21 Ramadhan 1431 Hijrah. Walaupun dalam suasana berpuasa kesemua ibu bapa yang hadir memberikan sokongan serta komitmen penuh di dalam program ini.
Program telah dimulakan pada jam 8.30 pagi dengan nyanyian lagu Negaraku, Lagu Kemerdekaan, Lagu Keranamu Malaysia dan Lagu 1 Malaysia. Lagu-lagu ini telah disampaikan dengan penuh bertenaga oleh murid-murid Tabika KEMAS Kg Panchor.
Seterusnya majlis telah disambung dengan upacara bacaan doa yang telah dikendalikan oleh Tn Hj Hasan bin Sulan, Ketua UMNO Cawangan Panchor. Kemudian Sdr Syamsul Amri bin Hj Ismail selaku Pengerusi KEMAS telah dijemput untuk menyampaikan ucapan alu-aluan.
Di dalam ucapannya beliau menegaskan bahawa program seperti ini wajar diteruskan demi memastikan golongan muda akan terus disedarkan betapa pentingnya mengingati detik kemerdekaan. Begitu juga beliau menyatakan betapa sayangnya jika kita tidak menghargai kemerdekaan ini yang mana diam tak diam, negara kita telah 53 tahun mengecapi nikmat kemerdekaan.
Sebaik sahaja selesai ucapan beliau, Tn Hj Ali bin Majid, Penyelia Kanan KEMAS Seremban, telah dijemput untuk menyampaikan ucapan perasmian.
Akhirnya, sebaik selesai ucapan perasmian oleh Tn Hj Ali bin Majid majlis diteruskan dengan tayangan video "KEMERDEKAAN NEGARA". Tayangan ini telah disaksikan oleh sekelian yang hadir ke program ini.
Majlis ini telah berkahir kira-kira jam 11.30 pagi. Program ini telah turut dihadiri oleh Tn Hj Safiei, Pengerusi JKKK Kg Panchor serta Setiausahanya iaitu En Abd Manaf Ujang.
Tahniah dan syabas diucapkan buat sekelian Jawatankuasa KEMAS yang terlibat di dalam penjayaan program ini. Semoga usaha murni ini akan dapat diteruskan hingga ke masa akan datang.
Suasana ketika ibu bapa dan orang ramai tiba seawal jam 8.00 pagi
Anak-anak sudah siap sedia di dalam barisan
Cikgu Maimunah Ismail memulakan program selaku pengacara program
Dari kiri; Tuan Hj Ali Majid (Penyelia Kanan KEMAS Seremban), Sdr Syamsul (Pengerusi KEMAS Kg Panchor) dan Tn Hj Safiei@ Safain Amin (Pengerusi JKKK Kg Panchor)
Anak-anak ketika menyampaikan beberapa buah lagu bersempena sambutan kemerdekaan
Anak-anak mengibarkan bendera
Suasana ceria menyelubungi anak-anak ketika lagu-lagu dinyanyikan

Ibu bapa memerhatikan gelagat anak-anak mereka
Logo 1Malaysia disarungkan ke kepala setiap anak-anak

Ada yang tersenyum melihat pelbagai telatah anak-anak
Sdr Syamsul menyampaikan ucapan alu-aluan Pelbagai pesanan dan amanat disampaikan
Iltizam dan semangat untuk terus mempelbagaikan aktiviti di sini
En Abdul Manaf (baju gelap) dan Tn Hj Hasan Sulan (bersandar di tiang) tenang dan fokus mendengar ucapan yang disampaikan
Tn Hj Ali Majid menyampaikan ucapan perasmian

Kesemua mendengar setiap pesanan daripada Tn Hj Ali
Suasana ketika menyaksikan tayangan "KEMERDEKAAN NEGARA"
Semua yang hadir menyaksikan tayangan video

Gambar ketika wakil British menyerahkan memorandum berupa perlembagaan negara sebelum kemerdekaan diisytiharkan

Akhirnya anak-anak yang 'tidak berpuasa' ini diberikan jamuan sarapan pagi
Disediakan oleh : EDITOR

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tony Blair - Oleh Tun Dr M

1. I hate to return to this subject but since the Malaysian papers carry no news about Blair, Malaysians generally consider Blair as another great Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

2. Currently the British Government had set up an enquiry commission under Sir John Chilcot to look into the background of Britains war against Iraq.

3. Blair had been called to explain why he supported America in the war against Iraq. He claimed there was "some intelligence evidence about loose links between Al Qaeda and various people in Iraq - it would not be correct to say there is no evidence whatever of linkages between Al Qaeda and Iraq".

4. The former MI5 (Intelligence) Chief, Lady Eliza Manningham Buller, facing the same Chilcot Inquiry revealed that MI5 had sent a memo in March 2002 to the Permanent Secretary to the Home Office (Ministry of Home Affairs) telling him "that Saddam was not likely to use chemical or biological weapons unless he felt the survival of his regime was in doubt". The memo went on to say, "We assess that Iraqi capability to mount attacks in the United Kingdom is currently limited".

5. Manningham Buller also told the Chilcot Inquiry that "There was no credible intelligence to suggest that connection (Iraq and Al Qadea) and that was the judgment, I might say, of the CIA".

6. Blair had told Parliament on 10 April 2002 that "Saddam Hussein is developing weapons of mass destruction, and we cannot leave him doing so unchecked. He is a threat to his own people and to the region and, if allowed to develop these weapons, a threat to us also".

7. To this Manningham Buller said, "We regarded the direct threat from Iraq as low - we didn't believe he had the capability to do anything in the United Kingdom".

8. With regard to terrorist attacks in Britain, Blair had told a labour party conference, 26 Sept 2006 - "This terrorism isn't our fault. We didn't cause it. It is not the consequence of our foreign policy".

9. "If I am asked whether I believe we are safer, more secure, that Iraq is better, that our own security is better, I believe we are. The world is safer as a result".

10. To this the former head of MI5 said "Our involvement in Iraq radicalised a generation of young people (in Britain) who saw our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan as an attack on Islam. We (MI5) were pretty well swamped - with intelligence on a broad scale that was pretty well more than we could cope with in terms of plots, leads to plots and things that we needed to pursue".

11. Manningham Buller also asserted that, "We gave Osama bin Laden his Iraqi jihad so that he was able to move into Iraq in a way that he was not before".

12. The British look down on Blair and forced him to resign because he is an inveterate liar. Some Malaysians think he is the fountain of wisdom!

Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Gore, Wolfowitz and Anwar - Oleh Tun Dr Mahathir

1. I am merely a Malay Muslim who once led a Third World country. I therefore do not understand democratic politics, the rule of law and justice.

2. And therefore when Anwar the great statesman and my deputy in the Government and the party, challenged me, I charged him with sodomy, beat him up severely and put him in solitary confinement for years.

3. Strangely for this cruel leader, when he was earlier attacked by another deputy who then collaborated with his own political enemy to challenge me in the 1986 elections, they were not charged with sodomy or anything and thrown into jail. One was actually made a special Malaysian representative to the United Nations with Ministerial rank while the other was free to form a splinter party, collaborated with opposition parties and contested against me in 1990 and 1995. This must have been an oversight by me. In fact one of them who supported the move to overthrow me, was actually chosen by me to be Deputy Prime Minister and succeeded me as Prime Minister.

4. Anwar was jailed by the courts for sodomy and abuse of power. But of course Malaysian courts take orders from me when I was Prime Minister.

5. Could it be that his "acquittal" after I stepped down was also due to influence? God knows.

6. And then Anwar was once again charged with sodomy during the time of the PM when he was "acquitted". It is very unimaginative of the Government of the time to make the same charge. A smart Government would think up of something else more credible.

7. But this was still a brown-skinned Malay Government which just cannot be smart. Or could it be that it was actually the victim of anal rape who decided to tell things as they happened? I would like to say we should wait for the court to decide, but that can take a very long, long time or even never. The delay must be due to Malaysian courts taking orders from the Prime Minister so that Anwar would be able ot challenge the Government Party in the coming election.

8. Whatever, Malaysians must take heed of the advice by the great leaders of the United States of America, a truly democratic country which democratically exercises veto power in the United Nations, ignored the UN on Iraqi invasion, lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, uses bombs and cluster bombs and depleted uranium shells and bombs, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghans and Iraqis, arrests and detains just about any Muslim without trial and without benefit of any law, legalised torture of detainees, and supports internationally illegal acts by its allies. Malaysians must never reject the advice of the great leaders of the United States of America, a country dedicated to killing people so they can enjoy democratic rights.

9. Thank you Mr Gore and thank you Mr neocon Wolfowitz, Anwar's friend, adviser of Bush on the shock and awe invasion of Iraq which now enjoys so much peace and prosperity that thousands are regularly being blown to kingdom come.

10. We the Malay Muslims must democratically choose your bosom pal as leader of our country. After all he has been accused only of doing what you normally do in your great country.

Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Israeli Nuclear Bomb - Oleh Tun Dr M

1. Israel has consistently refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. When accused of having nuclear weapons Israel refused to either admit or deny the fact.

2. The international edition of the
Guardian (British paper) of 24th May 2010 under the headline, "Revealed : How Israel offered to sell South Africa the bomb" reported that secret document made available to an American researcher Sasha Polakow Suransky, revealed that "in 1975, South Africa's Defence Minister, P.W. Botha asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Defence Minister, now its President responded by offering them "in three sizes."

3. This document proves that Israel has nuclear weapons. Israel claims that "if" it has nuclear weapon, it is a "responsible" power that would not misuse them, whereas countries such as Iran cannot be "trusted".

4. One wonders about Israeli claim to be a responsible power when the whole world knows that Israel very often attack Palestinian villages such as Jenin and the Gaza strip during which bombs, rockets and missiles are used and bulldozers destroy houses while the occupants are still in it. Israel also builds settlements on Palestinian land, completely ignoring the resolutions of the United Nations. It had also built a wall through Palestinian villages, roads through Palestinian land which the Palestinians are not allowed to use, mount road-blocks in Palestinian territory. Are these the acts of a "responsible power" which can be trusted not to misuse nuclear weapons.

5. And lately the attack against the Mavi Marmara and the brutal killing of nine Turkish aid workers in international waters illustrate the kind of that cannot be associated with responsibility for a nation.

Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir (chedet.co.cc)

To Be Or Not To Be A Racist - Oleh Tun Dr Mahathir

1. Recently I had occasion to talk to a group of former state and federal members of the Barisan Nasional.

2. I had extolled on the virtues of the BN coalition type of Government and the achievements under the BN Government at State and Federal levels.

3. Then came question time. Very sensible questions were posed by these ex-YB's and I managed to answer them reasonably well.

4. Then an ex-MP or State Councillor rose and pointed out that under the Opposition Government he sees more Chinese holding high posts in the Government. The component parties also seem to be working much closer with each other. As an example, PAS women members not only attended the funeral of a Chinese but also helped to fold the paper money usually scattered at Chinese funerals.

5. Why is it that the BN did not give more posts to the Chinese and appoint Chinese Deputy PM and assistants to the state MB's? Why is Umno less tolerant of Chinese religious ceremonies?

6. I was startled by this criticism of the BN by an ex-member of the State or Federal BN Government. Do I answer truthfully or do I skip and gloss over things in order not to sound racist? But then in asking the question, isn't the questioner being racist?

7. After the forum I debated with myself and finally decided that I must give the true reason for the fewer positions given to the Chinese in the BN Governments, and Umno appears to be less accommodating of Chinese religious practices.

8. The NEP has been on now for almost 40 years, far longer than originally planned. Admittedly the Malays had been at fault because they did not make correct use of the opportunities created for them in the NEP. But whatever the reason, the Malays have not gained for themselves the 30% target in corporate ownership even. But more than that if a proper audit is made their wealth is even less than 30% of total wealth of the people of Malaysia. Most of the wealth of the country belongs to the Chinese. It can also be said that the Chinese control the economy of the country.

9. In the political field the Malays appear to be in control. Most of the high posts i.e. PM, MB etc are held by the Malays. If these posts are held by the Chinese, then not only will the economy be under Chinese control but the political arena would also be under the Chinese. What will be the Malay stake in the country?

10. The NEP is about giving the Malays a fair stake in the economy of the country. Should they get this then they should be ready to relinquish a commensurate amount of control in the political field. Since they have not gained a fair share in the economy, then they should be allowed to retain this greater share in politics. If PAS appears to be more accommodating of Chinese religious practices, it is simply because it wants Chinese votes. Remember at one time PAS condemned Umno for having MCA as a partner. Now PAS is willing to accept DAP as a partner. It is political hypocrisy, not sincere partnership.

11. I am talking about racial issues simply because my questioner raised racial issues. It is said that the poor showing of the BN in 2008 was because the people of Malaysia were sick of racial parties and racial politics. I doubt it. Since 2008 there have been more talks about race than previously. And my questioner has illustrated this amply. Race is still very clearly an issue in Malaysian politics.

12. If PAS is extremely supportive of the Chinese today, it is not because the party has become disaffected with race and religion. It is simply because it wants to play up Chinese racial sentiments in order to win Chinese votes.

13. Hypocrisy is very much alive in Malaysian politics.
Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Genocide - The Destruction of an Identity : Oleh Tun Dr M

1. There is something strange about the behaviour of Israel towards Gaza. Arrogance is of course a part of the Israeli character but beyond that they seem to have a long term plan. On the excuse that rockets had been fired at Israel from Gaza, Israel invaded that strip of Palestinian land, killing 1,400 Gazans, wounding many more and razing to the ground 20,000 homes, over 100 schools, hospitals and other Government buildings.

2. International pressure apparently forced Israel to stop the carnage and to withdraw from Gaza. A kind of peace appeared to have been established and numerous countries pledged billions to rebuild Gaza. After that, news about Gaza ceased to appear in the media and the assumption was that the pledges of aid were being honoured and rebuilding was in progress.

3. After months of silence in terms of media coverage, it was discovered that Israel had blocked aid material and aid workers from entering Gaza. Supported by Egypt, the border between that country and Gaza was closed. The crossing point at Rafah was guarded by Egyptian security personnel and only limited supplies were allowed to pass.

4. Then an NGO group called the Free Gaza Movement sent small boats to Gaza with supplies of food and medicine. Two or three boats got through but after that, of two other boats which tried, one was rammed by an Israeli naval ship, throwing the passengers and supplies into the sea. The other was boarded by Israeli commandos and forced to go to Ashdod port in Israel. The occupants were later released but nothing is known about what happened to the aid supplies.

5. It is clear that Israel with the support of Egypt was carrying out a siege of Gaza. Deprived of medical supplies and exposed in make-shift shelters to the harsh winters, many of the sick and wounded, the old and the small children died.

6. Hearing of the siege, the
PGPO (Perdana Global Peace Organisation) of Malaysia suggested that a flotilla of passenger and cargo ships be sent to Gaza. In May 2010 the flotilla set sail but while the boats were still on the high seas, Israeli commandos attacked and killed nine Turkish aid workers on the Mavi Marmara, and injured many others.

7. The boats were forced by the Israeli warships to sail to Ashdod in Israel where the aid workers were detained but were subsequently allowed to make their way back to their own countries.

8. The boats remained at Ashdod. The Israelis reported that they themselves had sent the aid material to Gaza. How much of the material was sent is not known but certainly the Israelis found no weapons of any kind in the cargo carried by the boats. Otherwise they would have invited the world press to show these weapons as proof that the mercy workers were terrorists.

9. Since then Israel has threatened to regard any aid ship from Iran as warships and would attack them, while a Libyan ship with medicine and food is also threatened.

10. Why is Israel doing this? The ships never entered Israeli waters on the way to Gaza and there has been no evidence that weapons were carried. Nor were the people accompanying the cargo in any way connected with "terrorists". There were old women and babies among the people on the MV Mavi Marmara.

11. But it is not only Gaza that the Israelis have put under siege. All the territories that should be under the so-called Palestinian Authority have also been made inaccessible.

12. When I and my small entourage tried to go to Palestine to see the destroyed village of Jenin and to go to Jerusalem, Israelis manning the border between Jordan and Palestine delayed us for more than two hours and so prevented us from seeing Jenin or going to Jerusalem as we had to leave Palestine by 6.00pm. It seems that Israel does not want visitors to visit Palestine and see what the Israelis are doing to Palestinian land.

13. As is well known, Israeli settlements have been built all over Palestinian territory. In addition roads were built which the Palestinians were not allowed to use. A high wall has been built not to separate Israel from Palestine but to break up the villages of the Palestinians.

14. The
Palestinian Authority is an anomaly. The UN in 1948 had divided Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs to create two states - Israel for the Jews and Palestine for the Palestinian Arabs. The Arabs were hounded out of Israeli territory through threats of massacre as happened in Deir Yassin.

15. There should therefore be two states on Palestinian land - Israel and Palestine. But after the 6-day war launched by Israel supposedly because it feared attacks by Arab States, much of the Palestinian territory, including Gaza and the West Bank were occupied by Israel.

16. Even then after the attacks were stopped there should still be a state of Palestine on the parts not occupied by Israel. Somehow or other the state of Palestine ceased to exist. Instead there was created the Palestinian Authority and the world seem to accept this as a fait accompli.

17. During World War II much of France was occupied by Germany but the state of France continued to exist having its capital in
Vichy. There is no reason why the state of Palestine could not exist even if its territory is much diminished. But the fact is that there is now no Palestine but only a Palestinian Authority.

18. With this the state of Palestine ceased to exist. However, despite the many Jewish settlements built on the remaining Palestinian land, despite obvious evidence of Israeli rule over much of Palestine such as Israeli check-points and control of Palestinian borders together with roads through Palestinian land reserved for Israelis, the world still thinks that there is Palestine and Palestinian land.

19. Although there is a Palestinian Authority, it has in fact no authority over any Palestinian land at all. The Israelis are free to do what they like in places said to be under the Palestinian Authority. Even the collection of taxes are done by the Israelis. At one stage the Israelis refused to hand over the taxes they collected to the Palestinian Authority.

20. Democracy was promoted as a solution to the Palestinian issue after Fatah was persuaded to go along with U.S. plans for a peace solution. However when elections were held Fatah lost to Hamas. Despite all the beliefs in democracy, the U.S. supported Israel in not allowing Hamas to form the Government of Palestine. Instead Fatah was recognised as the Government.

21. Frustrated by U.S hypocrisy Hamas set up a government in Gaza. Even though the Hamas Government was denied jurisdiction over all Palestinian territories, there was no way to dislodge its rule in Gaza.

22. The implication is that whereas the Israelis can build settlements and rule the part of Palestine supposedly under the Palestinian Authority, it cannot do the same in Hamas controlled Gaza. Israel must therefore find other ways of bringing Gaza under its control via the Palestinian Authority.

23. The invasion of Gaza by Israel was therefore to be expected. But so brutal was the Israeli war of occupation of Gaza that the world was revolted by it and forced the war to be stopped. But the Israelis were not going to be so easily frustrated. Without regard for its peace undertakings and international law Israel immediately blockaded supplies and contacts with Gaza by the outside world.

24. The strategy appears to be to weaken the resolve and spirit of the Gazans, to render them so physically weak that the next time Israel invaded the strip the Gazans would be incapable of strong resistance. Eventually it would have to surrender. With this the Israelis would be able to build settlements and exercise authority over Gaza as it has done over the other parts of Palestine.

25. If there should be a negotiation for a two-state solution, it is unthinkable that the Israelis would vacate their settlements or subject themselves to rule by a Palestinian state. They would physically be under Israeli rule and de facto if not de jure be a part of Israel. The bits and pieces of the remaining Palestinian land would still be under Israel control. There would be no recognisable Palestinian state. In fact agreements notwithstanding, there would be only Israel occupying the whole of the land once known as Palestine. There would be no Palestinian identity. Palestine and its history would be lost.

26. This is a form of genocide. A whole people will have been made to disappear very much as if they have all been exterminated. The world will forget there even was a Palestine.

27. My fear is that while the world may forget, the Palestinians and their descendents will not. They will always remember. And remembering they will continue their struggle, probably in ways that the world may have to pay a heavy price for. We are seeing some of it now but what we will be seeing would render peace for the world meaningless.

Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Cabaran Mountain Bike Antarabangsa di Langkawi - Oleh Tun Dr M

1. Langkawi sekali lagi akan menjadi tuan rumah kepada satu pertandingan bertaraf antarabangsa dari 6 hingga 8 Ogos. Ia bukanlah pertandingan Le Tour de Langkawi. Kali ini, acaranya ialah Cabaran Mountain Bike Antarabangsa Langkawi 2010, yang akan diadakan sepenuhnya di Langkawi.

2. Peserta-peserta yang bertanding datang dari 16 negara, termasuk peserta Malaysia. Yang lainnya datang dari negara jiran Asia, Eropah termasuk juga dari Afrika Selatan. Acara ini menjanjikan satu pertandingan yang amat menarik dan akan mendapat liputan menyeluruh dari pihak media.

3. Saya berharap rakyat Malaysia tidak akan melepaskan peluang untuk menyaksikan acara sukan ini disamping menikmati keindahan Langkawi serta membeli-belah di kedai bebas cukai.

4. Jangan lepaskan peluang ini!
Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

High Income Economy - Tun Dr Mahathir

1. The Government has announced the intention to make Malaysia a high income country. I assume this means people will receive high wages, salaries and profits.

2. But if wages and salaries are to be increased by the private sector, the cost of doing business would have to increase as well. To cover this increase, prices of products must be increased. This will mean that the consumers will have to pay higher prices for whatever they purchase. There would be, by definition, inflation.

3. The increase in prices of goods and services should cover the higher wages and salaries and the profit margins from the business. But this will not be all. The cost of transport, fuel and raw materials would all increase as these businesses will also experience increased overhead costs as they too will have to increase wages etc. So the increase in product prices must also cover these costs.

4. Generally the cost of living would increase as prices increase. The rise in income may not increase the purchasing power of the wage earners. Higher incomes would not mean anything then. We know of many countries where people get higher incomes in terms of currency units but are extremely poor.

5. If there is to be an increase in income, it must be carefully managed so that it would result in increases of purchasing power and not just more money.

6. This can happen because the added cost of doing business may trigger unreasonable increases of prices for raw materials, goods (products) or services. For example a 10% increase in wages and salaries should not result in an increase of 10% in the prices of goods and services. This is because wages and salaries do not constitute the total cost of production.

7. Their contribution to cost of production varies. This has to be determined by careful scrutiny of all the cost of production including material cost, power cost, transportation, advertisement and promotion costs etc. If it is found that wages and salaries at all levels make up 20% of the cost of production, then a 10% increase in wages should contribute only 2% to the cost.

8. Similarly the increases in the other costs i.e. power, material, transport etc may increase by a much smaller percentage according to their percentage contribution to the cost. Assuming that together they contribute 50% of the cost, but the increase in their prices is 5%, i.e. 5% of 50% = 2½ %, the total increase in cost inclusive of wages and salaries should be 4½ %, or say 5%.

9. Thus the increase in wages by 10% will not increase overall cost by 10% but will only increase by 5%, after including increases of other costs.

10. The margin of profit varies. For wholesale and fast moving items the margin can be as low as 2%, while for some slow-moving luxury goods the margin may be as high as 300%. Assuming that the cost of production increases by 5% for a 10% increase in wages and salaries, there can be justification for only a 5% - 6% increase in price of products and service for those with low profit margins. For high profit margins there should be no increase in price at all.

11. The wage earners with a 10% increase in income should therefore have a 5% increase in purchasing power only; not 10%. In other words their increase in income would make them only slightly richer. Still with increase in purchasing power they would be able to contribute more to businesses. Eventually the Government would earn more by way of taxes to pay for the increases in wages and salaries in the Government service. Generally economic activity would be enhanced and there would be growth as the salary bill in Malaysia runs into hundreds of billions every year.

12. The above are some of the ways for preventing unfair cost increases when wages and salaries are raised. But there are also many other ways of reducing costs so that the cost of goods and services to the consumer is not increased much as a result of increasing incomes.

13. In manufacturing, a careful study of cost can result in ideas on cost cutting. The Japanese "Just In Time" manufacturing process is a good example. In this system the parts and components are produced just in time for them to go into the assembly of the final products. This eliminates the cost of storage and holding costs.

14. Automation and robotics are costly but they can work 24 hours a day and would reduce the cost of the three shifts of work by workers in one day. In ship-building, whole sections of the ship can be produced separately and then assembled. A lot of time can be saved this way. And time means money.

15. The classic case of reducing cost was invented by Henry Ford - namely mass production on assembly lines. Economies of scale can also contribute to lowering costs. We see the progress in retailing goods. The single specialised shops have given way to the supermarkets. Now the supermarkets are being replaced by the giant wholesale hypermarkets. These help increase volume and lower purchasing costs. Self-service also help to reduce costs in restaurants and supermarkets.

16. Various electronic devices can help in reducing costs. Because of additional capital needed for these devices, they contribute much when the volume is big.

17. Incomes can also be increased by better education and training. It is said that the Korean worker is three times more productive than the Malaysian worker. This is not just due to education and training but more because of work ethics. Obviously when a worker is more productive he should be paid higher wages.

18. Most manufacturing activities add higher value to basic material. Generally exporting raw material gives less return than exporting manufactured products. But other costs have to be taken into consideration.

19. The Malaysian strategy on industrialisation is also not conducive to reducing costs. Japan and Korea acquire foreign technologies and set up their own companies to produce their own products.

20. Malaysia adopted a different strategy. To create jobs for a large number of the unemployed, foreign investors were invited to set up labour intensive industries. Naturally wages were very low. Increased profits for the foreign owned industries did not necessarily result in increased income for Malaysian workers.

21. Over the years Malaysians had acquired the skills in manufacturing and the capital to invest. Today there are a lot of successful Malaysian companies. Should the Government help these Malaysian industries to grow they can become world class players. This means better income for the Malaysian entrepreneurs and better wages for the Malaysian workers.

22. We must not follow the route taken by the developed countries of the West to achieve high income. In the days when technology was exclusive to the European countries and North America increases in wages were largely due to the demands of the workers. To cover the increased cost of production prices were raised quite indiscriminately. This was sustainable when the Europeans were the only producer of manufactured goods.

23. But then the countries of East Asia, began to produce almost all the products of the West at lower cost. The workers of the West continued to demand for continuous increases in their wages. Very soon the high prices for their products caused them to lose the market.

24. Malaysia must never take this route in order to achieve high incomes. Instead it should study the other ways of increasing incomes which will not lead to inflation and loss of purchasing power.
Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Free Market 2 - Oleh Tun Dr M

1. When I wrote about the free market, I was not thinking of wanting to make money from the United States. It is good if we can but without the US market Malaysian palm oil is doing extremely well.

2. I just wanted to show the hypocrisy of America. We do not go around the world preaching free market, so if we are not so free as alleged, we are not being hypocritical. I had always been sceptical of ideas coming from the rich. They are all self-serving.

3. They preach and fiercely demand that all Governments stop regulating their trade. Yet they are the ones most guilty of protecting their trade.

4. In fact the US has gone beyond that. Trade is to them a political instrument for the promotion of their agenda for the world. By applying sanctions in trade they will try to force countries to submit to their policies. If a country does not support their sanction they have means of squeezing companies or banks from that country.

5. Sanctions is denial of free trade in totality and in Iraq before the 2003 invasion it caused the deaths of 500,000 children. That is how far the abuse of free trade is indulged in by the US. But they talk all the time that trade must be free. If this is not hypocrisy, then what is hypocrisy?

6. Incidentally they talk much about democracy i.e. the freedom to choose one's own Government. But they have no hesitation about warring and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in order to force them to accept democracy. Is this the free choice as advocated by democracy?

7. Is there democracy in the United Nations where one country can negate the will of 190 other member countries? Yet this same country talks so much about democracy and the good that democracy will bring. Practise first, then talk.

8. In my time I had often enough said that Malaysia was not and did not aspire to be a liberal democracy. And when we did things which did not seem to be in keeping with liberal democracy it is because we did not promise to be a liberal democracy.


9. Some have asked me to comment on our education policy. While we have concentrated on making education available to almost everyone, the quality of education is obviously in need of improving.

10. It is not having examination which is wrong. It is the kind of examination we conduct which is wrong. We need to study the kind of examination and improve it rather than simply abolishing examinations.
Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Free Market - Tun Dr M

1. A long time ago when I was Prime Minister I met President Bush the father, at Boston University where he was conferring degrees for graduates. I met him in a side room and I told him of the unfair anti-palm oil campaign by America, blaming it for heart diseases.

2. We later submitted palm oil samples for three American chemical laboratories to examine the cholesterol contents. Their findings proved that although palm oil had more cholesterol than rival soya bean oil, the main edible oil in America, cooking reduced palm oil cholesterol but increased the cholesterol in soya bean oil.

3. The campaign against palm oil stopped but Americans still refused to use palm oil for cooking to this day. It was a case of non-tariff barrier. But that is the way America deals with competitions.

4. When the Vietnamese exported catfish to America, American catfish producers got their Government to declare that Vietnamese catfish is not catfish. The catfish farmers in Vietnam lost their business.

5. Malaysia-made rubber gloves were banned in the United States because out of the hundreds of millions used, one person had allergic reaction.

6. Foreign aircraft manufacturers wishing to export to the United States have to use American components and do part of the finishing in America. It is the same with the automobile. The Japanese and the Koreans have to put up plants in the United States and employ American workers in order to remain in the United States market.

7. Despite all these conditions Toyota's share of the world auto market grew. Then news came that Toyota was on the verge of becoming the No 1 automotive manufacturer in the world, displacing General Motors of the United States.

8. American's pride was hurt. Soon something was found to fail in the hybrid Toyota "Prius". Apparently one American user from tens of thousands was hurt because the brakes failed.

9. The news about the Prius failure hit the headlines in the American controlled world media. Toyota was forced to recall tens of thousands of the Prius model. The losses were enormous.

10. In order to put Toyota in its proper place the head of Toyota Corporation was summoned to Washington to face a congressional enquiry.

11. Toyota's position as a possible biggest automobile manufacturer in the world has been eroded. But while American auto manufacturers have to be put under Chapter II, i.e. as bankrupts, Toyota is still showing profits. In time Toyota will become the biggest automobile company in the world, the faults with the Prius notwithstanding.

12. There really is no free market. If tariff and other barriers fail to stop imports, the application of sanctions against countries, whatever may be the reason is also another form of non-tariff barrier. Free trade simply does not exist.

13. Truly hypocrisy prevails in the markets and in international trade. The greatest hypocrites are the very people who conceive and promote the idea of tariff free world trade.
Oleh : Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad (chedet.co.cc)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa - Ketua Penerangan UMNO Pancor

Assalamualaikum WBT, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia...
Diam tak diam, hari ini telah memasuki hari ke enam kita berpuasa. Berpuasa dalam erti kata menahan lapar dan dahaga. Kita juga berpeluang memanfaatkan bulan yang penuh kerahmatan dan keberkatan dengan beribadat demi mengabdikan diri kepada Allah SWT.
Seperti biasa, pada minggu awal ini, di masjid-masjid dan surau-surau padat dengan jemaah yang menunaikan Solat Sunat Tarawih dan Witir. Tapi kebiasaannya masuk sahaja hari ke sepuluh puasa, jemaah mula berkurangan. 'Stamina' puasa ni memang mencabar kita sebenarnya. Sebagai seorang Muslim, stamina ibadat ini perlu kita usahakan agar ibadah puasa kita tidak sia-sia.
Peringatan ini bukan sahaja untuk anda yang membaca artikel ini, tetapi juga untuk diri saya. Kita sewajarnya mula bertanya dengan diri kita, sejak dari kecil, berapa kali kita bersolat Tarawih penuh sebulan (soalan ini dikecualikan kepada kaum Hawa). Pernahkah kita bertanya soalan ini?
Adakalanya kita sendiri tanpa segan silu menyatakan, "Tak pernah penuh pun!". Seolah-olah tiada apa-apa pun. Sedangkan, umat Islam sejak dari zaman para anbia' lagi menganggap bulan Ramadhan ini adalah yang paling besar, dan sewajibnya dibesarkan dengan ibadah.
Saya seringkali mengingatkan seluruh ahli keluarga saya agar menyedari akan 'keutamaan' dalam hidup kita. Beribadah ini perlu dijadikan amalan seharian malahan dibudayakan. Supaya generasi muda masakini dan akan datang tidak hanyut dengan kemodenan hingga tidak tahu apa nilai ibadah ini.
Tidak hairan bagi kita jika melihat, orang ramai berduyun-duyun di bandar dek kerana 'shopping' untuk baju raya, kuih raya, langsir raya, perabot raya dan sebagainya. Seolah-olah jika semua yang tadi tiada maka tiadalah raya. Sedangkan dalam Islam kita dituntut agar bersederhana di dalam berbelanja, dalam ertikata tidaklah sampai berlebih-lebihan. Akhirnya nanti, apabila baru sahaja seminggu dalam Syawal, ramai antara kita yang mula ditimpa sindrom 'menung' memikirkan wang belanja dan pelbagai tanggungan yang perlu dibayar, sedangkan wang yang ada sebelum ini telah dibelanjakan mengikut nafsu tadi.
Saya masih ingat lagi bagaimana ramai di kalangan sahabat saya yang bekerja di sektor kerajaan, di mana pada tahun lalu kerajaan umumkan gaji dua bulan disekalikan untuk menyambut Syawal. Tetapi mereka terlupa bahawa gaji tersebut hanya diawalkan dan bukannya berganda. Maka, ramailah yang terpedaya dengan tuntutan nafsu dan akhirnya ramai yang menanggung akibat hingga ke saat ini.
Di sinilah saya bangkitkan isu keutamaan. Tetapi, ini bukanlah bermakna kita tidak boleh berbelanja langsung, memang kita perlu meraikan Syawal dengan barangan baru, seperti yang diberitahu tadi, sebagai tanda kemenangan... tetapi tidaklah sampai kita menanggung bebanan hutang melampau. Pertimbangan akal, dan rasional yang wajar diperlukan kita bagi membuat keputusan berkaitan hal ini.
Di dalam bulan Ramadhan ini, adalah peluang bagi kita untuk memperbetulkan hidup dan diri kita agar menjadi seorang manusia yang benar-benar baik malahan dibawa hingga ke selepas berlalunya Ramadhan. Kita perlu gunakan sebaiknya Ramadhan untuk mensucikan hati kita dengan ibadah, bersabar, dan tekad menjauhkan segala larangan Allah SWT. Dengan penyucian ini, kita akan dapat merapatkan diri dengan Allah dan dengan itu segala ibadah dapat dilangsungkan tanpa keterpaksaan dan juga perasaan sukar dan beban.
Dengan itu juga, jiwa kita akan menjadi tenang dan hati menjadi lebih lembut maka segala pergeseran sesama manusia juga akan dapat kita hindarkan.
Cuba kita perhatikan di dalam hidup kita... Kerap kali sebenarnya kita berselisihan faham, terasa hati, kecewa, namun... apabila difikirkan sebabnya tidaklah sebesar mana. Malah tidak berbaloi pun untuk bertelagah atau bermasam muka ekoran dari sebab itu. Dan kita juga akan rasa malu untuk membangkitkan hal itu semula. Jadi apa nilainya perselisihan itu tadi? Tiadaka ada apa. malahan hidup kita akan menjadi lebih senang jika kita bersedia memaafkan dan melepaskan. Melepaskan ini bukanlah meluahkan kegeraman atau kemarahan tetapi melepaskan kemarahan kita berlalu begitu sahaja dengan sifat penuh kemaafan. Bukankah ini yang menjadi tuntutan Islam?
Selalu kita melafazkan kata-kata maaf di dalam hidup seharian kita... namun persoalannya apakah kita benar-benar maksudkan maaf tersebut? Selalu benar kita melihat, baru sekejap tadi meminta maaf dan tak berapa lama selepas itu, keburukan mula dibangkitkan semula... Ini bukanlah intipati kemaafan yang sebenar. Maaf sewajarnya diberi dan dipinta dengan sepenuh hati dan seikhlas hati tanpa sebarang syarat.
Tiada syarat untuk berbaik-baik melainkan dengan mengenepikan segala perkara buruk yang menjadi sempadan setiap perhubungan baik, apatah lagi jika ia membabitkan hubungan bersaudara.
Almaklumlah, kita semua manusia, bukanlah sempurna... maka setiap kesilapan dan kekhilafan, boleh berlaku. Lantaran itu, janganlah diperbesarkan demi kehidupan yang tenang, aman, bahagia dan harmoni.
Dibulan mulia ini juga kita dituntut untuk bersedekah. Bersedekah pula bukanlah dengan niat menunjuk-nunjuk dan riak tetapi pastinya dengan ikhlas dan niat bersedekah. Bukan jumlah atau nilai yang menjadi ukuran tetapi keikhlasan jua yang menjadi tuntutan. Bersedekah tidak semestinya di rumah anak-anak yatim, kita mungkin juga boleh bersedekah walau hanya dengan sebungkus kecil buah kurma untuk jiran, sahabat handai, rakan sekerja dan lain-lain lagi pun sudah besar nilainya dengan syarat... ikhlas. Inilah yang diperlukan.
Melalui amalan bersedekah ini juga melatih hati dan jiwa kita untuk mengingati orang lain, saudara kita, saudara se Islam kita tentang hidup kita yang perlukan masyarakat dan tiada siapa yang mampu hidup bersendirian di atas muka bumi ini. Kita juga akan dilatih untuk ingat penderitaan orang yang miskin dan bukan hanya memikirkan keselesaan dan kesenangan diri sendiri semata-mata
Dan terakhirnya saya tidak terlupa untuk berkongsi dengan anda semua akan beberapa adab dan peraturan yang perlu kita ikuti sebagai kesimpulan keseluruhan penulisan saya pada hari ini. Setiap orang yang mengerjakan puasa perlu mematuhi beberapa peraturan dan adab yang boleh menyempurnakan ibadah tersebut. Antara yang terpenting adalah:
1. Menjaga lidah daripada berdusta, mengumpat dan mencampuri urusan orang lain yang tiada kena-mengena dengannya;
2. Memelihara mata dan telinga daripada melihat dan mendengar perkara yang dilarang oleh syarak dan yang sia-sia;
3. Mengawal perut daripada merasai makanan dan minuman yang haram atau yang mengandungi unsur syubhat terutama ketika berbuka dan berusaha sedaya mungkin untuk menghasilkan pemakanan yang halal lagi bersih.
Ulama silam pernah berpesan: “Apabila kamu berpuasa maka perhatikanlah apa yang akan dijadikan makanan berbukamu dan di manakah kamu akan berbuka?” Ia adalah panduan yang terbaik bagi mengawasi diri daripada terjebak dengan unsur-unsur makanan yang tidak halal;
4. Berusaha menjaga kesemua pancaindera dan anggota tubuh badan daripada mendekati atau melakukan maksiat dan perkara yang sia-sia. Dengan demikian ibadah puasanya akan suci dan sempurna. Terdapat ramai yang memenatkan diri dengan berlapar dan berdahaga, membiarkan diri terdorong kepada perlakuan dosa dan noda, kerana itu puasanya rosak binasa dan keletihannya tidaklah berbaloi sebagaimana maksud sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.: Ramai yang berpuasa tidak mendapat ganjaran daripada puasanya melainkan lapar dan dahaga. (Riwayat an-Nasaei)
Meninggalkan maksiat menjadi kewajipan kepada seluruh orang Islam sama ada mereka sedang berpuasa atau tidak. Apatah lagi bagi yang berpuasa, ia lebih dituntut dan diwajibkan. Sabda Rasulullah, Puasa itu adalah ‘perisai', sekiranya seseorang daripada kalangan kamu sedang berpuasa janganlah dia bercakap kotor, melakukan keburukan dan berbuat bodoh. Jika ada orang lain yang mengejinya atau cuba memeranginya maka hendaklah dia katakan kepada orang itu: “Saya sedang berpuasa.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim);
5. Jangan membanyakkan tidur pada siang harinya dan makan pada malamnya, bahkan bersederhanalah pada kedua-duanya bagi menyelami kejerihan lapar dan dahaga. Dengan demikian sanubarinya terkawal, keinginan nafsunya kurang dan hatinya ceria. Itulah rahsia dan intipati puasa yang perlu dicapai;
6. Jauhkan diri daripada mengikut dorongan nafsu ketika berbuka dengan beraneka jenis makanan yang lazat-lazat. Sebaik-baiknya adat makannya sama sahaja pada bulan puasa dan bulan-bulan yang lain. Penggemblengan diri dalam mengurangkan tuntutan jasmani dan keinginan perasaan memberikan kesan yang positif terhadap kecerahan hati nurani yang amat dituntut terutama pada bulan Ramadan.
Mereka yang menjadikan keinginan nafsu perut sebagai tunggangan akal ketika berbuka yang menyalahi kebiasaan pada bulan-bulan lain sebenarnya terpedaya dengan pujukan iblis. Rayuannya bertujuan menghilangkan barakah (berkat) ibadah puasa mereka, nikmat limpahan ketenangan daripada Allah s.w.t., kekhusyukan diri ketika bermunajat dan berzikir kepada-Nya.

Sepatutnya orang yang berpuasa mengurangkan kadar pemakanannya sehingga terserlah kesan puasa itu kepada dirinya. Kekenyangan adalah punca kelalaian, kealpaan, keras hati dan malas untuk taat kepada Allah s.w.t..
Sabdanya: Takungan jelek yang dipenuhkan oleh manusia adalah kantong perutnya, memadailah baginya beberapa suapan yang dapat meneguhkan tulang belakangnya. Jika dia enggan maka berikanlah sepertiga (bahagian perutnya) untuk makanan, sepertiga kedua untuk minuman dan sepertiga terakhir bagi pernafasannya. (Riwayat Ahmad dan at-Tarmizi)
Terdapat ulama yang mengungkapkan kata-kata berikut: “Sekiranya perutmu kenyang anggota-anggota lain akan lapar (akan menurut turutan nafsu) tetapi sekiranya perutmu lapar kesemua anggotamu akan kenyang.
As-Salaf as-Soleh (mereka yang terdahulu) mengurangkan perkara kebiasaan dan dorongan diri serta memperbanyakkan amal ibadat pada bulan Ramadan secara khusus bahkan itulah adat mereka sepanjang masa;
7. Tidak menyibukkan diri dengan urusan duniawi pada bulan Ramadan, bahkan mengambil kesempatan bagi beribadat kepada Allah dan mengingati-Nya sebaik mungkin. Justeru, dia tidak melakukan perkara duniawi melainkan sekadar keperluan hariannya atau kepada mereka yang berada di bawah tanggungannya. Demikian yang selayaknya dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini sama seperti pada hari Jumaat yang sepatutnya dikhususkan bagi amalan akhirat;
8. Mempraktikkan amalan sunah seperti segera berbuka apabila masuk waktunya, berbuka dengan buah tamar (kurma) dan jika ia tiada memadailah dengan segelas air serta melambatkan makan sahur.
Nabi s.a.w. berbuka dahulu sebelum Baginda mengerjakan solat Maghrib. Sabda baginda: Umatku sentiasa berada dalam keadaan baik (berkat) selama mana mereka mempercepatkan berbuka (apabila masuk waktunya) dan melambatkan makan sahur. (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim);
9. Menyediakan makanan berbuka kepada orang yang berpuasa sekalipun dengan beberapa biji tamar atau segelas air. Sabda baginda s.a.w.: Sesiapa yang menyediakan makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa baginya ganjaran seumpama pahala orang yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahalanya (orang yang berpuasa). (Riwayat al-Baihaqi dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)
10. Memenuhi malamnya dengan amalan sunat seperti solat terawih, witir dan sebagainya.
Adalah dinasihatkan kepada para imam supaya tidak mempercepatkan solat terawihnya seperti mana amalan kebiasaan di masjid dan surau.
Perbuatan tersebut menjejaskan mutu ibadat solat tersebut kerana meninggalkan ‘wajib-wajib' solat seperti meninggalkan tomakninah semasa rukuk dan sujud, mencacatkan bacaan al-Fatihah sebagaimana sepatutnya lantaran ingin kecepatan dalam mengejar waktu sehingga menyebabkan makmum di belakang tertinggal rukun-rukun penting dalam solatnya. Amalan terawih seperti itu adalah tidak sempurna dan berkurangan pahalanya.
Oleh itu berwaspadalah terhadap cara demikian dengan kembali mengamalkan ibadah solat seperti waktu-waktu lain, menyempurnakan kiam, bacaan al-Fatihah, rukuk, sujud, khusyuk, hadir hati dan semua peradaban solat dan rukunnya.
Bagi makmum pula disyorkan supaya sentiasa bersama imamnya sepanjang solat terawih itu sehinggalah selesai sama ada 20 rakaat ataupun lapan rakaat. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w., Apabila seseorang menunaikan solat bersama imamnya sehinggalah imam itu (selesai dan) beredar, dikirakan untuknya (makmum) pahala Qiam semalaman. (Riwayat an-Nasaei)
Akhirnya saya mewakili seluruh ahli keluarga saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk memohon ampun dan maaf daripada semua yang mengenali diri saya dan keluarga saya. Saya juga dengan ini mengucapkan Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa buat semua pembaca yang beragama Islam, mudah-mudahan ibadah puasa kita diterima oleh Allah dan juga menjadi kita manusia yang lebih baik mulai hari ini hingga ke masa akan datang. Insya Allah
Disediakan oleh:

Syamsul Amri bin Hj Ismail
Ketua Penerangan UMNO
UMNO Cawangan Pancor