Monday, September 21, 2015

Isu Anjing : Wartawan TMI Dipecat Serta-Merta

Dalbinder Singh was terminated due to writing on killing of dogs by Penang government. What happen to Freedom of Press in Penang ? Someone in Penang is " untouchable" !

Karpal Singh's nephew, Dalbinder Singh formally a reporter for the Malaysian Insider was given the boot by his former boss for supporting NGOs protesting the culling of stray dogs by Lim Guan Eng.

TMI very protective and supportive of Tokong Lim. You can't work for TMI and write bad things about him... or your service will be terminated.
Where is the freedom of the press? Or neutrality of the media companies/owners?


Dear Dalbinder,

This is to inform you that we will no longer require your services as a contributor for The Malaysian Insider with immediate effect.

Your actions have tarnished our reputation. You have also failed to follow instructions for some of your assignments.

There is a conflict of interest in your coverage of the rabies scare in Penang as you are actively involved in the protest by the NGOs. As a reporter you need to remain impartial so you can report on the news objectively.

I would like to thank you for your contributions to The Malaysian Insider in the past few months and wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

With this termination of your services as a contributor, you must cease presenting yourself as a representative of The Malaysian Insider. Please submit any outstanding payment claims for your stories to Shafrina and Amri, with a copy to me.
Thank you.

Baru ada kuasa sikit dah macam Maharaja China tak boleh ditegur atau dikritik....Inilah rupa pemimpin DAPig yg sebenar...!!!

Disediakan oleh : PeneranganPemudaSEREMBAN

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